Year 4 – Fossey - Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 – Fossey Class
Hello and welcome to Fossey class.
I am Miss Fish and the Teaching Assistants are Miss Daigle, Miss Blazi and Miss Page.
In Spring 1, we will be learning about Ancient Greece in History.
In Music during the whole of the Spring term, we will have Bedford Borough Music Hub come in and do a project called The Toots. We are hoping to have a concert at the end for parents. In DT, we will be learning chopping skills and designing and making our own Greek Salad. This will include food tasting to help them decide what to include in their salads. In PSHE, we will be learning about dreams and goals and why they are important to have. In PE we will be following a scheme called Bee Creative looking at Dance. In Science, we will be exploring sound.
In Spring 2, we will be learning about settlements and if they are all the same. In Geography, we will be exploring different types of settlements, land use, and the difference between urban and rural. The children will describe the different human and physical features in their local area and make land use comparisons with New Delhi.
We will be carrying on with Bedford Borough Music lessons. In Science, we will be learning about the Digestive system and our teeth and what they are used for.
Facts about Year 4 – Fossey
Dian Fossey was an American primatologist and conservationist known for undertaking an extensive study of mountain gorilla groups. She studied them daily in the mountain forests of Rwanda. She was a leading primatologist and a member of the “Trimates”, a group of female scientists who studied great apes in their natural environments. Her research and conservation work helped reduce the downward ppopulation trend in mountain gorillas.
Long Term Plan
Year 4 Multiplication Check
Our classroom

Year 4 – Fossey Staff

Miss Fish

Miss Page
Learning Support Assistant

Miss Blazi
Learning Support Assistant