At Scott Primary, we feel that Music is universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. We endeavour to make Music a fun and engaging subject that can be accessed by learners of all abilities, whilst also inspiring enthusiasm and interest for the subject. We foster respect and interest in all musical genres and styles and support children to achieve their full potential in music with supported specialist teaching.
We provide a music education that gives individuals the confidence to partake in music, promotes self-confidence and gives all pupils a sense of achievement. We do this through providing opportunities for appreciation, composition and singing alongside new opportunities and chances to showcase talents within and beyond our school community. We are committed to inspiring children to develop an interest and appreciation of music, develop creativity, imagination and fostering talents.

Long Term Plan
Bedford Music Hub Specialist Teaching Projects
In order to ensure that children receive an enriched musical education, we provide every year group from Years 1-6 with the opportunity to take part in a specialist teaching project one term per year. This not only gives our pupils the opportunity to learn from a specialist practitioner, but also gives our staff the opportunity to observe excellent teaching practice in Music. Projects we will be taking part in this year are:
•Year 1: Music sessions with Mrs Farrow
•Year 2: ‘Sounds Like a Story’ creative project (Literacy linked)
•Year 3: Ukuleles
•Year 4: Jsax
•Year 5: Keyboards
•Year 6: Steel Pans
Peripatetic Music Lessons
Alongside our main Music curriculum and specialist projects, we work in partnership with the Music for Bedford Borough Peripatetic Music Teachers to provide 1:1 lessons for the following instruments from Years 2-6:
We also offer the following ensembles during lunch times across both North and South Poles sites:
•Recorder Club
Music and Singing Assemblies
Singing is an intrinsic part of life at Scott Primary and we enjoy singing together! Weekly Music and Singing assemblies are a wonderful way for children to learn about a range of musical genres and styles, as well as learning about the Inter-related Dimensions of Music in a fun and uplifting way:

Talk like a Musician
In Music lessons, we ‘Talk like a Musician’ through the sharing of key vocabulary and careful modelling from the teacher. At Scott Primary, we understand the importance of language development and how that supports our children being good communicators. In music much of our language is based around the Interrelated Dimensions of music and how they can be used.

Aspire to be
At Scott Primary, we aim to inspire our children to reach for a range of jobs regardless of their culture, background or heritage. Therefore we use our aspire to be posters to give some information about the different jobs and professions that the children could want to do when they leave us. These posters are displayed around our school and the children have the opportunity to read them, learn from them and on most use a QR code to delve deeper into the person life.