We provide a science curriculum that provides opportunities for investigative lessons. Children are exposed to a wide variety of topics that support their natural curiosity for learning. Our curriculum aims to broaden the children’s scientific view of, and respect for, the world around them, whilst promoting a love for enquiry and wanting to explore new things. We want our pupils to develop a love for science that carries through into later life, instilling in them an awareness of how science is relevant in today’s society. We ensure that the Working Scientifically skills are built-on and developed throughout their time here, so that they can independently plan and carry out investigations to answer questions that puzzle them; competently use scientific equipment to measure and record data accurately and have the necessary skills and vocabulary to confidently explain concepts and articulate their findings.
Science Principles
At Scott Primary School, we guide our children to become explorers in their learning. They are encouraged to ask questions and find answers both in science lessons and in their wider school and home life. All science lessons begin with a Learning Question, which the children answer by the end of the lesson. This encourages them to explain their learning in a meaningful and purposeful way.
Make Connections:
We strive to make science relevant and meaningful to the children at our school, making connections with prior and future Science learning and through other subjects. This supports them with cognitive load and enables them to remember more. The use of knowledge organisers and regular retrieval practice supports with embedding key concepts and vocabulary.
Talk like a Scientist:
Children are taught that Science is something which transcends Science lessons. Teaching them to ‘Talk like a Scientist’ improves their oracy skills and enables them to understand how scientists are regularly asking questions and searching for answers. This is taught to the children through specific modelling from the teacher and sentence stems which are used in science lessons.
We aim for the children at Scott Primary to be passionate and enthusiastic about science lessons. They experience a range of ways to learn such as outdoor learning, hands-on investigations, research opportunities in the fully-equipped ICT room, drama, model-making, songs, working in groups and independent writing opportunities. All of these approaches make Science lessons enjoyable for the children.
Investigative skills:
A range of different opportunities are provided for children to conduct investigations. All KS2 Science lessons take place in the purpose-built science labs, utilising science resources to give children hands-on investigative opportunities. There is also a large outdoor area, consisting of a large field area, pond, woods and animals such as chickens which gives them a real-life context to their lessons.

Long Term Plan

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the PSQM – Primary Schools Quality Mark 2022.
It is a fantastic achievement and has been awarded due to all the hard work and commitment of the pupils and staff in raising the importance of Science within our School. This reflects the high-quality science teaching and learning across the school.
What is PSQM?
Primary Science Quality Mark is a one-year school improvement programme for primary
science, which provides professional development for new and experienced subject leaders
each year. PSQM enables confident, knowledgeable, reflective leadership which results in an
improvement in the way in which science is planned and taught across the whole school.
The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire in collaboration
with the Primary Science Teaching Trust.
Science Ambassadors

Science Ambassadors are chosen for showing an extra interest in all aspects of Science. They demonstrate a flair for the subject and are always keen to share facts and discuss what they know.
Their role in school to is to help raise the profile of Science by helping to hold assemblies and lead their own activities with younger children in school during events such as Science Week, as well as throughout the academic year too.
The Science Ambassadors meet regularly to share information, plan activities and work together. They plan and run the weekly science club, which takes place in the Science lab.
Our Science Ambassadors play an important role in the promotion and development of Science across the school.
Talk like a scientist

At Scott Primary, we understand the importance of language development in order to be effective communicators. In Science lessons, we ‘Talk like a Scientist’ through the sharing of key vocabulary and careful modelling from the teacher using sentence stems such as “The experiment is attempting to support the idea that …” or “Based on my observations, I conclude that …”.
Aspire to Be

Experiment of the Half Term