Reception – Cygnets - Reception

Welcome to Reception – Cygnets Class

Hello and welcome to Cygnets class.

I am Mrs Green and the Teaching Assistants are Mrs Ruskin, Mrs Bell, Miss Clarke, Mrs Chowdhury and Mrs Southwell

In Spring 1, our topic is “Treetop Explorers” where we will be learning about different traditional fairy tales. During Spring 1 we will be talking about the importance of teamwork and discussing different feelings as well as our likes and our dislikes. The children will be exploring different celebrations and will talk about different people’s beliefs. We will be designing and making gingerbread men and using different materials to make a house for the three little pigs. We will be thinking about materials and their properties.

During Spring 2 our topic is “Out of this World”. We will be learning about Space and space exploration. We will be exploring the different seasons and will be finding out about the life of Tim Peake and other astronauts! The children will learn about life cycles and different habitats. They will also learn about Mary Anning.

Facts about Reception – Cygnets

Baby swans are called cygnets and stay with their mother for the first 6 months of life. All of the mute swans in England and Wales are owned by the Queen of England. Despite popular belief, swans can actually fly. They are among the largest flying birds out there and need about 30 meters to become airborne.

Long Term Plan

Reception Long Term Plan

Topic Overviews

Jungle Adventures
Up Up and Away
Treetop Explorers
Out of this World
Down at the Farm
Ocean Explorers

EYFS Documents

Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning
What to Expect in the EYFS document

Our classroom

Reception – Cygnets Staff

Mrs Green

Mrs Green

Reception Lead

Mrs Ruskin

Mrs Ruskin

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bell

Mrs Bell

Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Southwell

Mrs Southwell

Learning Support Assistant

Miss Clarke

Miss Clarke

Teaching Assistant

Miss Chowdhury

Miss Chowdhury

Learning Support Assistant