Year 5 – Peake - Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 – Peake Class

Hello and welcome to Peake class.

We are Miss Meredith & Ms Newman and our Teaching Assistant is Miss McCurrach.

In Autumn 1, our History topic is The Vikings – we will be continuing to explore raiders, invaders and settlers focussing on the arrival of the Vikings and the impact this had on Anglo-Saxon Britain. During this half term, we will have a Viking WOW Day so the children can experience what life would have been like over 1200 years ago.

In DT, we will be looking at cooking and nutrition.

In RE, we will be learning about Hinduism alongside music where the children will create a composition for the Hindu Holi festival.

In art, the children will start working on their competition piece for Art Bytes.

In Science, we will be learning about forces.

In Autumn 2, our Geography topic is Maps – the children will discover how maps have changed over time, learn about key features and how to use a map.

In DT this half term, we will be creating greeting cards with electrical circuits.

In Music, the children are introduced to musical loops and what genres they are used in. They then go on to make their own loops using a variety of methods and tools.

In R.E, the children will be learning about Humanism and Christians.

In Art, the children will be completing their Art Bytes competition piece.

In Science, we will be learning about Space, the movement of the Earth in relation to the Sun and moon and its effect on our day and night and seasons.

Facts about Year 5 – Peake

Tim Peake was the first Briton to visit the International Space Station. He spent six years training for the mission to the ISS. He beat 8,000 other applicants who responded to an internet advert from the European Space Agency entitled, ‘Do you want to be an astronaut?’. Before becoming an astronaut, Tim Peake was a pilot in the British Army, flying helicopters. To train for his space mission, he had to live underwater for 12 days and learn Russian.

Knowledge Organisers

Marvellous Maps
Raging Rivers
Age of Exploration

Long Term Plan

Year 5 Long Term Plan

Topic Overviews

Marvellous Maps
Raging Rivers
Age of Exploration

Our classroom

Year 5 – Peake Staff

Miss Meredith

Miss Meredith


Miss McCurrach

Miss McCurrach

Teaching Assistant