Year 6

Year 6 is our children’s final year of their primary education with us. Year 6 consists of three classes: Chandi, Fields and Hillary. Our oldest children are given many roles of responsibility including Library Ambassadors, Play Leaders, Arts Ambassadors and Reading Ambassadors to name but a few. We work closely with our local secondary schools to ensure a smooth transition for our children. In May our children take part in the statutory End of Key Stage 2 SATs for reading, maths and spelling, punctuation and grammar; writing is assessed using teacher judgement. We hold a parents’ information evening to inform you of how together, we can support the children with their SATs. After SATs, our children go on a residential visit for two nights. At the end of the year, we celebrate our children’s learning journey with an Awards Evening. Our children also perform an end of year production for the younger children, staff and parents.