Year 2

Year 2 consists of two classes: Owls and Hedgehogs. In Year 2 we continue to build on the children’s phonic knowledge from Year 1 whilst introducing more in-depth Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) concepts for children to apply in their writing. Children’s reading also focuses on developing their comprehension and inference skills. We use “Accelerated Reader” to support the children’s comprehension skills and encourage parents to read with their children on a daily basis. In Maths, we use a mix of concrete and pictorial resources to develop children’s fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills. Children have access to the “Times-Tables Rock Star” app to support with their multiplication skills. We support children to complete their end of KS1 SATs assessments in the Summer Term in a familiar and supportive environment. 

Useful apps you can download to support your child’s learning:

White Rose 1 Minute Maths
Maths Shed
Hit the Button