School Lunchtime
Lunch and Breaktime
School dinners are provided by Relish
Dinners can be pre-ordered from home, however we will always check at morning registration. If you have pre-ordered and your child is absent, we will endeavour to cancel the dinner however you can do it yourself on the day between 7.15am and 9am (otherwise you may be charged).
School dinners cost £2.40 for Nursery and £2.55 for Year 3 upwards and they must be paid in advance through Parentmail. Relish reserves the right not to serve a school dinner without payment.
Reception, Years 1 and 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals however if you are normally entitled to free school meals (income related), please check and apply online here. Our school will get extra funding for your children.
Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 are provided with a fruit of vegetable breaktime snack. Children in Years 3 – 6 can bring a break time snack it but it needs to be fruit or vegetables only. We ask for a contribution so we can buy snacks for our Nursery children.
We encourage a healthy lifestyle therefore please ensure any packed lunches include a balance of healthy food groups and do not include fizzy drinks, sweets, popcorn, chocolate spread/bars or cherries. Chocolate biscuit bars need to be small (from a multipack) Grapes need to be cut lengthways.
We are a nut free school so please ensure you check all ingredients paying particular attention to cereal bars. No Nutella based products (including spread) are permitted. This is for the safety of our children with allergies.
All children need to bring in a refillable bottle with water (not squash or juice).