Outdoor Learning
At Scott Primary School, we are passionate about the outdoors. Outdoor Learning is a wonderful experience to gain skills outside of the classroom, such as enquiry, cooperative learning, confidence, communication, perseverance and problem solving. We are extremely lucky to have beautiful grounds, which extend to nearly 30 acres, which includes 8 acres of woodland. We believe that all children should have a chance to experience the outdoors and to gain from the undeniable benefits that outdoor learning fosters.
Outdoor Learning Curriculum and Long Term Plan
Each class has at least one Outdoor Learning session a half term, which is linked to their current topic and the National Curriculum when appropriate.

Scott Explorers
Each half term, a small group of children in KS2 are invited to take part in a 6 week Outdoor Learning course with Miss Mirto and Mrs Cowley. This has been extremely beneficial for the children involved and we are very proud that we are able to continue to provide this for our children.
What the children said…
“We began by developing our base camp, we had to use good communication skills and team work to clear the area and build our seating area”
We built a den that would give us some shelter if it rained”
“We whittled some sticks to make some spoons for our hot chocolate, this was very tricky and we had to show great perseverance in this activity”
“We finished our sessions off by having hot chocolate made in the Kelly kettles and some yummy marshmallows”
“My favourite part was building basecamp”
“My favourite bit was making the fire”
Aspire to be
At Scott Primary, we aim to inspire our children to reach for a range of jobs regardless of their culture, background or heritage. Therefore we use our aspire to be posters to give some information about the different jobs and professions that the children could want to do when they leave us. These posters are displayed around our school and the children have the opportunity to read them, learn from them and on most use a QR code to delve deeper into the person life.

Any donations of outdoor clothes, old trainers, wellies and raincoats would be greatly appreciated. Please take these to the office FAO Miss Mirto or Mrs Cowley.