At Scott Primary School, we believe it is essential to establish strong partnerships with parents and carers to enable children to achieve their full potential.
Our school provides a safe, caring, friendly and welcoming environment where every child matters and every child is unique. We value individuals. We make learning fun, encouraging originality through delivering a broad and balanced curriculum accessible to all. This ensures that our children are given the best opportunities to succeed in all they do enabling them to reach their full potential. Together with our parents and the local community we take pride in our children’s positive attitudes towards their work and each other. We encourage our children to take responsibility and to be independent; building life skills to enable them to succeed now and in the future.
The school will:
- Care for your child’s safety and happiness.
- Ensure that your child achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the school community.
- Provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child.
- Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility.
- Keep you informed about general school matters and about your child’s progress in particular.
- Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of the school.
The school would like an effective partnership with parents by valuing your help in the following ways:
- Coming to school on time both at the beginning and end of the day
- Getting to know your child’s teacher so that you can share in their achievements and concerns
- Making an appointment if you need to talk at length about your child
- Attending Parents Meetings/Curriculum workshops
- Reading at home daily with your child and taking an interest in homework
- Reading all letters that your child brings home
- Keeping us informed of any changes to circumstances which may affect your child in school
Keeping you informed
We make every effort to ensure that parents are well informed about their child’s progress and the work of the school.
Scott Primary School Communication with Parents/Carers
Please see below our various ways of communication.
Parents and Carers contacting school
If you have anything that you would like to discuss about your child you need to speak to the class teacher in the first instance, either by speaking at end-of-day pick-up or sending an email via the school office*
*Emails must be sent to the office (not staff emails and/or Dojo messages). Nursery and Reception can use Dojo for messages about what their child has been doing in class.
The message below is sent out on a regular basis as a reminder and can also be found on our website.
Message to all parents
You can see some of the exciting activities children from all years enjoy on our website blog here. This is to make it easier for everyone to read and to reduce the amount of Parentmail messages we send home. We also share some of the endeavours and achievements on our Social Media channels so the wider community can see them
We prepare a termly calendar of events and add to our website and send a Parentmail when it is uploaded or added to. We endeavour to put as many future dates as possible and to indicate if it is an event that parents/carers are invited to.
We use Parentmail to send important information home (including reminders) and get consent for clubs and trips. It is also where you pay for school dinners and trips etc.
Class Dojo is the place to see your child learning in class. We use School Story for fun and social things including events, PTA news, raffles, Street Tag etc. We do duplicate some Parentmails onto Dojo as it has a translation tool. We also use it as reminders for events or if Parentmail forms have not been completed as we don’t want children to miss out on trips or events.
We do not use Dojo for messaging unless your child is in Nursery and Reception – see below for a reminder.
Message to Nursery and Reception parents
In order to answer any urgent questions or to pass on any messages you may have for your child’s teacher promptly, we ask that communication is either sent via the school office email account or that you call the office directly to speak to reception. Teachers are not able to pick up messages on Class Dojo during the day when they are teaching and may miss urgent communication. Any messages or emails sent through the school office will be passed on to the correct member of staff, who will respond to you within working hours as soon as possible.
The teachers in Nursery and Reception will still continue to use Class Dojo to send you direct messages and share what your child has been doing in school through the whole-class thread. Any messages will be responded to within working hours.
Thank you for your continued support.
Message to Years 1-6
In order to answer any urgent questions or to pass on any messages you may have for your child’s teacher promptly, we ask that communication is either sent via the school office email account or that you call the office directly to speak to reception. Teachers are not able to pick up messages on Class Dojo during the day when they are teaching and may miss urgent communication. Any messages or emails sent through the school office will be passed on to the correct member of staff, who will respond to you within working hours as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Parental Feedback
At our most recent parents evening (February 2023) we asked what you like about our school: