Nursery – Caterpillars - Nursery
Welcome to Nursery – Caterpillars Class
Hello and welcome to Caterpillars class. Your nursery teachers are Mrs Bell and Miss Gordon
Scott Primary Nursery offers the highest level of pre-school child care and education for children aged three and four years. We aim to ensure that every child is given an exciting and secure environment in which to play and learn. Children will develop their curiosity through creative work, songs, stories and interactions with others.
Our Nursery introduces children to the school environment in a nurturing and fun way, supporting children to develop and learn to their full potential in a well-resourced, stimulating environment that enables children to create, investigate and discover. We use the children’s own interests to plan a variety of topic based activities, developing their learning and development in all areas of learning.
Children can join the Scott Primary Nursery the term after their third birthday. We currently have 54 places and three Nursery classes, Caterpillars, Ladybirds and Butterflies. Miss Ross, our Nursery Manager oversees the running of all three classes and is supported by a highly skilled staff team
Children are able to attend the Nursery part time or full time. The government funds five sessions per week for your child and these can be used for the morning sessions. You may also be eligible to apply for the 30hrs funding 30 hours free childcare – GOV.UK ( and these additional hours can be used for the lunch and afternoon sessions we offer. Additional session can also be paid for.
We encourage you to come and see the Nursery for yourself, you truly will be blown away with the indoor and outdoor facilities we offer. Visits can be arranged through the school office.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Facts about Nursery – Caterpillars
Caterpillars are a type of minibeast! Butterflies and moths start their lives as caterpillars, as they slowly grow and change into butterflies and moths. Did you know that the average lifespan of a caterpillar is three to four weeks until they change into their adult forms?
Caterpillars eat a lot, in fact, they can be 100 times larger than when they emerge from the egg!
EYFS Documents
Our classroom

Nursery – Caterpillars Staff

Mrs Bell
Learning Support Assistant

Miss Gordon
Learning Support Assistant