Inspire, Believe, Achieve

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Limited nursery places available.

If your child turns 3 by 31/08/2025 please contact us on or 01234 352630

I am immensely proud to introduce you to our school, which provides a nurturing, happy and effective learning environment, where every child feels valued and secure.

We have happy, enthusiastic children who love learning and dedicated, caring and inspirational staff, who ensure that each and every child is treated as an individual, whilst having high expectations for all.

I hope this website will provide you with a glimpse of what life at Scott Primary is like, but why not come and see for yourself? You are very welcome to come and visit and see what it means to be part of the ‘Scott family’.

Anita Barker, Headteacher

Here’s what our children say about life at Scott Primary School

January 2024

Anita and Children

Inspiring children to reach their potential

At Scott Primary School we aim to create independent learners who are confident in their own beliefs and are always respectful of the views of others.

The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and is complemented by other experiences both in and beyond the classroom to bring learning to life and includes opportunities which meet the learning and developmental needs of our children. Through adding depth to our curriculum we strive to create learners who are motivated, engaged and take responsibility for their learning journey.

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Have a look at all of the wonderful things happening in our school.


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